Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Inspiration: Quotes I Love

Happy Friday! I'm getting my hair done this weekend {it's LONG overdue} so I'm really excited about that. I'm also going ziplining on Sunday with my friend Jen over the fall foliage in New Hampshire!! Because it's a long weekend, I hope to balance relaxing and hanging out with my friends. What are your plans?

P.S.: As someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety since I was very young, I really recommend watching this talk if you have 11 minutes to spare. Kevin's take on depression couldn't be better said and I feel like he is speaking for me and others who struggle with the same issues.

made by me :)

all images not linked were found on Pinterest with no direct source.


  1. Happy Friday Amy!! I love Fridays at Cupcakes n Couture xo

  2. amy! i always love your friday inspiration, but i think this roundup is definitely the best. thanks for sharing the demi one, too, i think it's important to just be as open and honest about body issues & anxiety (esp. since we all have them, right?) and demi cuts to the point of the issue with how worrying too much affects our mental health. thanks for the reminder.. and i promise to remember that growing up is a trap. happy weekend :)

  3. Love all of this.... the design and the quotes!

  4. Love these! Especially the Hemingway one... lovely.
    Have a great weekend!


  5. So jealous you are getting your hair done and seeing foliage! I desperately need to do both!! I'm heading up to Ojai this weekend which I'm excited about. I'll watch that talk in a few - I still struggle with such anxiety and depression - it's tough to deal with everyday - I love any inspiration and support I can get :) xx

    1. hope you have a great weekend abby! and i hope the video touches you the same way it touched me - thanks for sharing your struggle with me too, it's good to know that i'm not alone. xo

  6. We must be on the same hair schedule :) I very much appreciate your honesty and openness. You are an inspiration yourself!

  7. Hi. Just found your blog. I'm from Boston, but live in NH now. Love finding other New England bloggers.

  8. Oh yes I deal with this but mainly due to chronic health problems I will check it out. Oh yes I am going to get my hair done next week can't wait.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  9. Be a nice human - that is a great one!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. I hope the zip-lining was fun! Can't wait to hear about it! I so much appreciate your openness- I will definitely be checking out this video, thank you for sharing!
