Monday, September 16, 2013

My First Outfit Post & a Confession

Happy Monday everyone! I'm so excited to be sharing my very first outfit post with you all. I also wanted to be honest and let you know why I've never done an outfit post before even though I've always wanted to. I normally keep things light on my blog, but I thought this was an important thing to share and that may resonate with some of you. 

I've told people who have asked me why I don't do outfit posts that it's because I live alone and don't have a roommate/boyfriend/husband to take photos of me, and although that does make it tough, there was a much deeper reason behind my outfit post avoidance.

The truth is, I was really worried about posting photos of myself. I can admit that I am an extreme perfectionist which makes me avoid doing things that I don't feel like I will be the best at or succeed at 100%. My fears about posting photos of me included but are not limited to the following:
  • I don't like always looking at photos of myself, so why would anyone else?
  • I'm not a am I going to pose? What if people stare at me as they walk by and I look silly?
  • I know I'm pretty stylish, but what if my readers don't like my clothing and accessory choices and don't have anything positive to say about my outfit? What if they aren't interested in what I'm wearing? 
  • I don't want anyone to notice the flaws I see when I look in the mirror: the 3 surgery scars on my face, the fact that one of my eyes opens more than the other when I smile, the little roll in my belly that doesn't go away no matter how much I exercise or my chest which is much larger than I want it to be and I feel makes me look bigger!
These fears (and others too) held me back from doing something I wanted to do. I was afraid to expose myself and worried that I'd compare myself too much to other bloggers and then feel self-conscious or inadequate. I was worried because I am not perfect. But after lots of self-reflection and encouragement & compliments from other blogger friends, including Chelsea and Megan, I've decided to let them all go and post photos of my favorite outfits. Instead of focusing on my flaws, I'll focus on my great hair, dancer's legs and long eyelashes. I think that's the right way to go about this all, don't you? None of us are perfect, after all. :) 

Thanks for reading along as I share my feelings and confession with you. I hope you like the outfit I wore this past Saturday to dinner with my friend Renee, who was also my photographer! We took the pictures on the steps of my new apartment building :) Some of them are a bit blurry, but we will get better with time at taking the photos!!

tee: Victoria's Secret {they make great tees for us bustier gals}
skirt: LeTote {similar}
bag: Furla


  1. Yay, I'm so glad you're doing outfits! You are so stylish and gorgeous ... you're going to inspire lots of people :) I feel insecurities every time I post an outfit, but I've gotten a lot more comfortable over the years, and I think personal style posts have also given me more confidence in general.

    LOVE this outfit! The skirt is perfect ... and I've been coveting that Furla bag ever since you first showed it off!

    Can't wait to see more posts like this!!

  2. You look amazing! I love the outfit and the skirt is so cute!

    I am glad you're doing outfit posts, you may have inspired me to do my own outfit posts (I have a lot of the same fears you do!).

    1. thank you cassie! i definitely encourage you to post outfit photos too!

  3. Oh such a cute outfit!! Haha I did my first shoot a few weeks ago and I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  4. Go you for taking the plunge into outfit photos! It was a scary thing to start for me too–as someone who doesn't love posting pictures of herself, I was really nervous. Yours came out great–I'm loving those pointy-toed shoes!

  5. I think your outfit is really cute! You are very stylish and I think your readers will love your outfit posts :)

    I am very glad that you posted this. I don't do outfit posts for pretty much the same reason. I always feel like it's not "blog worthy" because I feel incredibly awkward.


    1. thanks liana! it's definitely blog worthy and although i felt awkward too, it was pretty fun :)

  6. YAY I'm so glad you did an outfit post! I get self conscious too, but I KNOW I'm not a model (I have no clue how to pose) or someone who is naturally flawless and I'm learning it's ok. One of the things I tell myself when blogging or doing outfit posts is its ok if things aren't perfect because life's not perfect - my life isn't a magazine shoot! And sometimes I'll look back and be like man I wish I wore a different shirt with that or another necklace - but that's what I wore that day and it's honesty - real life! You look absolutely amazing - keep the outfit posts coming! Don't worry what other people think or what other people do - be yourself, because you are fabulous! xx Abby

    1. ​t​hank you so much :) i don't know why i am so obsessed with being perfect but this is the first step for me to recognize that no one is or ever will be perfect and it's okay!!​

  7. I love that you did an outfit post! You look absolutely beautiful and you've obviously got great style, so why not?! But I do understand your concerns - to this day I am still insecure about taking outfit photos and posting them on my blog.

  8. I love how honest this post is. I think we all feel the same way at times. Its scary putting yourself out there. Just know you are a doll and I adore this outfit!

  9. Aw so glad you finally did an outfit post - you look great! Love the outfit. Great work! xo, Julie

  10. You look beautiful! It can be so embarrassing to do outfit posts sometimes, but eventually you get used to it. People will always walk by and look but whatever! If you ever need a photographer, you can call me girl :)

  11. Girl you are a total bombshell, but I hear what you're sayin'. Very similar logic behind why I've never wanted to slip into the "fashion blog" niche. i LOVE your first outfit post (and as always that furla bag). you rock it!


  12. Enjoyed the outfit post...your very beautiful!

  13. I am so glad you decided to do an outfit post girl! Before I started my blog I didn't even have a personal facebook account because I am generally a very private person. So when I started my blog it opened this huge door to vulnerability, but I don't regret it in the least! I think we are each our own toughest critics, and what we see as a flaw others most likely don't even notice - if that makes sense? I think its about just doing what makes you happy. Loving this look girl! The polka dots and just everything in between is so darling! xo

    1. thank you lauren, it totally makes sense. i definitely am my own worst critic for sure, so i need to quiet that negative voice in my head!

  14. Hooray for your first outfit post! And it is a gorgeous one! Holy amazing shoes and bag! :) Girl, unfortunately that feeling is going to come and go as you take pictures. I have been taking pictures for over 2 years and I still hate doing it. I don't know how to pose and I always end up hating 75% of the pictures we take. That's why I only post 3-5 ;) and usually one is a close up of my jewelry haha! But keep going, it is really fun even if you have a few off days! I can't wait to see more!

    1. thank you so much for your support, rachel! i always love your outfit posts and look forward to seeing them :)

  15. Wonderful (the confession and pictures).

  16. You look amazing!! Believe me, it took so long and I'm STILL not fully comfortable with outfit posts (especially the actualy taking of the photos in public!). And Wednesdays used to be the MOST nerve-racking for me, waiting to see how people would react, but at a point I realized I'm creating this style diary for, more than anything else, myself, and it's really not important what other people think. Your outfit is adorable (as always) and too good NOT to be shared, so I hope you continue with these! Remember so many of us are in the same boat :) xoxox

    1. thanks emily :) our blogs really are more for us than for anyone else! i appreciate your support!

  17. YAY! You look fab!! Now we have to get together and shoot some outfit photos!


  18. Looks great! And I appreciate your confession :)cannot wait to see more.

  19. oh amy! you look absolutely beautiful. i think we all get worried about posting photos of ourselves, and it's so nice to hear you vocalize those concerns so us bloggers know we're in it together. i hope you continue to post lots more outfits though -- you put them together so well. hope the new apartment is turning out to be everything you wanted :)

  20. Ah I'm so happy you finally did one! I think they came out great- such a cute, girly outfit! And I think as women we all worry about those silly things (mine is my skinny legs and big nose!), but you are such a pretty girl and hopefully we will see more of these in the future :)

    1. thank you rachel! :) i hope to do more outfit posts moving forward!

  21. Oh girl you are too cute! I'm glad you're doing outfit posts (though I totally understand your hesitation + very rarely share photos of myself) and hope to see more of you!!

  22. don't be silly you are a beaut, everyone has flaws! i dispise half of the photos of me when editing but i take it that's how a lot of us feel! the pic looks great though.. i have just started following you and i do have a new post which i would love for you to check out and keep in touch!

    I Should Blog

    1. it's good to know that other girls feel the same way :) i'll definitely follow along!

  23. It's great to you're doing outfit posts. I love this classy look. I adore the polka dot skirt and the sophisticated bag.

  24. Great outfit, you look fantastic. Thanks for being brave. You are so stylish and pretty, not to worry. We your readers love you and look forward to more outfit post.

    ps. I am big on top and hate it to with a passion which is why I also hesitate to have my picture taken. I have the very same fears you do.

    1. thank you lexie for all of your support for my blog!

  25. You look absolutely gorgeous! I am so happy you decided to take the plunge and photograph your amazing style! I am so excited to see where your blog will go in the future by adding some more fashion!
    xo Chelsea

  26. your necklace is divine- love the pink and green combination!!

    1. thanks! it's from so kate boutique which has the cutest things :)

  27. i love this post! everyone feels like that's perfectly normal. i love that you are going to focus on the good. there is so much are beautiful and stylish!!

  28. You look absolutely beautiful and I am so excited you are doing outfit posts now!!! I mean come on, I saw first hand all the fabulous items in your closet! Add those to a gorgeous gal to put them on and voila! I am truly flattered to have been a part of what encouraged you to post:P Reading this post honestly could not have come at a better time...I have not been feeling the greatest about myself lately and have not been posting outfit posts because of that. I really appreciate you being open about your hesitations and fears, you are definitely not alone! It is inspiring to me that you were able to rise above those and put yourself out there:) Cannot wait to see what you have in store!

    1. thanks megan! i really do appreciate your support of my style and my closet :) it helped me to gain the confidence to start taking outfit photos!

  29. I totally hear you on being self-conscious, but you look fab, lady!


  30. I've followed your blog for a while now but have only just discovered this post!

    I find it so hard to believe you had all those insecurities and doubts about making fashion posts- I think you are absolutely gorgeous (both physically and personality) and I envy the way you piece such beautiful outfits together with ease!

    You've also given me wonderful ideas about how to dress for my shape, being a fellow busty girl! Keeping up with the fashions of the season always proved a challenge for me, for fear of 'falling out' of the seasons trends, or making a classical outfit more raunchy than intended.
    But with your outfit posts, I've been given many amazing suggestions for how to keep up with fashions and still look GOOD.

    Oh, and not to mention, your gift guides have helped me through many presents for the boyfriend!

    So thank you! This blog will always remain one of my favourites x

    1. laura jane, thank you so much for your kind words and for following along with me! i'm so glad to hear that i'm able to help you out in any way, whether it's with outfits or gift guides :) you really made my day with this comment!!
