Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A personal update...

Hi all - I was really hoping to have a new recipe post for you today, but sometimes life gets in the way. I don't normally post much about my personal life on the blog - I like to keep it separate - but since this may affect my blog I thought I should share a bit with you.

My relationship of 3 years has come to a a very sad and painful end. I am absolutely heartbroken and devastated and I don't think I've ever felt so much emotional pain before in my life. Things hadn't been the best over the past few months, but I didn't think our relationship would end the way it did and I feel like my whole world has been turned upside down.

I'm telling you this because I want to ask for your patience and understanding. I may not be posting Mondays through Fridays over the next few weeks because I may be too sad to get my creative juices flowing. But please continue to visit my blog and say hi even if I'm not posting as frequently - your comments and messages always make my day! And please understand that if I don't comment on your blogs as much as I normally have, it's not because I've forgotten about you...I just may need that day to lie crying on the couch, eating chocolate and watching Sex & The City and may not want to turn on the computer. :)

It's going to take awhile for me to move on and get past this, but I know that things will get better and I will be okay. This blog is my passion so I want to continue to focus on it as much as I can, but I may need some time to myself to heal and come to terms with everything that's happening in my personal life.

But, I do have a bit of exciting and happy news to share with you! In order to cheer myself up and keep moving forward, I booked myself a spur of the moment trip to Antigua next week! I'll be gone Friday May 17th through Wednesday May 22nd and I can't wait to rest, relax, get some sun. I'll be turning 27 on May 20th so it will also be a nice way to celebrate my birthday.

I was hoping to have a few guest bloggers post while I'm away! If you're interested, please send me an email using the button on my sidebar - I would love to have some fun posts on shopping, baking, style, DIY or anything else you want to write about! I would need them turned in to me by next Wednesday, May 15th. :) Looking forward to hearing from you ladies!

Thanks for all of your support and love!


  1. Amy! First and foremost I am so sorry to hear this but know we are here for you ALWAYS no matter how long you need to take. Take care of YOU first!

    Please let me know if there is anything I can do - in fact email me your address too, I'd love to send you a little care package to cheer you up.

    I would be happy to create a fashion post for you, let me know when you can:


    1. thank you, you are so sweet. i would love to have you post - i'll email you today!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about this! I went through a really bad breakup of a 3.5 year relationship (we had been friends for 10+ years, too) and it is NOT easy. All I can say is that it does get better with time- keep that in mind! I think it's healthy to be upset and cry, eat ice cream and mope around. Get it all out and then soon enough you will start to feel more normal. Thinking of you!

    1. thanks for your well wishes, i really appreciate it :)

  3. Amy - I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this! I can imagine how painful this is and you should take all the time you need (Sex and the City and a beach vacation always are a great idea). Let me know if I can do anything. xx

  4. Amy, I'm so sorry. What you're feeling right now is the worst. I've been there! Things DO get better, even if it feels like you'll never be the same again.

    Take your time with the healing and take care of yourself. Enjoy your vacation!

  5. Oh sweetie I am so sorry to hear you are in pain. I'm glad you are doing the smartest thing taking good care of yourself and getting away to refresh. Lots of love and positive thoughts!


    1. yes, i'm looking forward to the trip and i hope it's nice and relaxing! thank you

  6. Dear Amy, I'm so sorry to hear your heart is breaking. It takes a great amount of courage to make your break up so public. I was with the person I thought was the love of my life until we broke up two months ago. We had been together for 6 years and had just been shopping for engagement rings so, needless to say, I didn't see that one coming. He used to take all my blog pictures for me so I thought I would just delete the whole thing, but then I realised it was my space, and it's something I do for myself, so I carried on. I still haven't known how to mention it on my blog due to pain, embarrassment, etc so I really admire your strength. Please know you are not alone, I'm here with you too. It's a tough time but one day the sun will shine again. Keep blogging, it's clearly something that means a lot to you too. I'm so glad to hear you've booked to go away because that will have you smiling in no time!

    sending my love

    Arum Lilea

    1. leanne, i'm so sorry to hear you're going through the same pain. i wouldn't wish it upon anyone. keep your head up and keep doing the things you love while taking some time for yourself to relax and heal. xoxo i'm thinking of you!

  7. Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about this! I understand needing to hide out for a while and hopefully relaxing on the beach will help a bit! If you're looking for something to do once you feel up to it, please shoot me a text or something. I'd love to get together again (plus, I still have to give you your cupcake carrier!).

    1. i hope the trip will help too. of course i want to hang out again soon, i'll be in touch :)

  8. Amy, I am so sorry to hear this! That getaway sounds like a great idea to clear your mind and focus on you! I have so been in your shoes and I know how painful it is. I wish you the best in your healing process. Usually it's easier said than done, but things will get better if you stay positive :)

    <3 Lianna J @ Salem Style

  9. Oh ladyfriend, I'm so sorry to read this :( Much love and hugs to you. But I will say I am JELLY (like grape jelly) of your trip. You'll have a blast :)

    1. thanks alex... a tough couple of months for both of us but things will get better.

  10. Amy, I'm sorry to hear about this and I hope a getaway is just what you need! Try to enjoy your trip and we'll all be thinking of you!!

  11. Oh no Amy! I'm so sorry to hear this. Breakups are never easy. And I don't want to sound cliche but it will get better. I went through a breakup of a 5 year relationship and I felt so lost. Now I'm happily married to the best man I've ever known. :)

    Enjoy your getaway, it'll be just what you need.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. hopefully i have the same good luck and have a happy marriage someday too! :) thank you

  12. I am so so sorry Amy. There are few things more painful than that, believe me I know :( This might be so corny to say, but I used my blog as a distraction after my big break up two years ago. I needed something positive and creative to focus on, and it helped so much. But take all the time off you need, thinking of you and sending you the biggest hug xo

    1. not corny at all, and i plan to do the same once my initial shock is over and i start to feel semi-normal again! thank you.

  13. I'm so sorry that this is somethingyou have to go through! Breakups are hard; I recommend Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ;). Enjoy your trip, you definitely deserve it!

    1. once i get my normal appetite back i will definitely get some ben & jerrys! thank you.

  14. I'm so sorry. I have been in that place way too many times and I know what it feels like. I totally understand about not being able to post often. I will still stop by. :)


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  15. Aww I'm so sorry to hear! Breakups are hard. And I've gone thru one that was almost 4 years. It's tough but it'll get better by the moment and soon you'll move on and have fun in life! :)

    Have fun on your trip!!! That's an amazing getaway. :)

    xo – Sheila
    Enter to win a pair of earrings from Blue Nile!
    Find me on BlogLovin!

  16. I'm so sorry girl. I've had my fair share of painful breakups for sure. I promise you'll get through it. And one day you will look back and realize that it worked out the way that it was supposed to. I know that is next to impossible to see now, but you will be okay. Eat all of the chocolate you want and know that I will be thinking of you.:)

    1. i know you are right about that amy - i just have to keep looking forward! xoxo

  17. Ah Amy so sorry to hear this. I know what it is like to go through heart break, the sun, sand and ocean can be very healing.

  18. I am so sorry for the pain your going through. I have been through many painful breakups . I know from experience it takes time, a great trip (you go girl well done!), and revamping your entire life. Once you return from your trip you will be refreshed and a new person ready to take on the world. Do your grieving now but enjoy your trip, dance, swim, smile and laugh and you will become a happy new women -ready to take on the world. Just remember, it ended for a reason and that is, he was not right for you and you and your life need to move on.

    1. thanks lexie - i really appreciate your support. i'm looking forward to the trip xo

  19. I am so sorry to hear about your breakup. When you get back from a tropical recovery / vacation, we should have a blogger night out for drinks! Have a wonderful vacation!

  20. Hi Amy,

    I'm actually a first time reader and wanted to let you know that I admire you sharing your breakup. It myself know how hard it is to go through trying to explain it to yourself, let alone family and friends. I think it's so wonderful that you've shared it with all of us. It's also wonderful to see how much support you have. Take all the time you need and make your vacation the best one yet. You'll have a blast! I think it's apparent that when you get back you'll have eager readers waiting to hear all about it and how well you're doing...including your newest reader, me!

    Last quick thought - I went through this about three years ago with someone I was dating (somewhat on and off) since high school. Turns out it was the best thing for me. SO many things changed in my life, all for the better - including my amazing boyfriend of two years. What I'm really saying here is to keep your head up because you have some wonderful things coming your way!


    1. thank you so much april for your kind words. :) i really appreciate them and thank you for visiting my blog!
