Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Inspiration: Quotes I Love

It's Friday and I have absolutely zero plans made for this weekend! I'm hoping the weather will be nice so I can spend some time outdoors, but if not, I'll stay inside and try out a new recipe or DIY project. {It's been awhile since I've gotten crafty and I really miss it!} What are your weekend plans?

Also, you may have noticed a new button on my blog sidebar - shop my closet! As you all know, I'm a total shopaholic and I have WAY too many clothes and accessories in my walk-in closet. I started a little online shop where I'll be selling some gently worn pieces that I no longer wear. It's still a work in progress, but I hope you'll take a look! Who knows, maybe find something you like! :)

all images not linked were found on Pinterest with no direct source.


  1. These quotes are perfect for a Friday! It's dreary here in Philadelphia, so this is just what I needed! My favorite is "you never lose by loving, you always lose by holding back." It gives me the inspiration to go for it!

    Thanks for sharing these :)

    <3 Alyssa

  2. f. scott fitzgerald = pure genuis.


  3. I love that F. Scott Fitzgerald quote - it's exactly how I aspire to live!
    This weekend I have a date, am going to a Red Sox game and plan to do lots of reading/writing, organizing and garden planning!
    I'll definitely be checking out your online shop xo

  4. I totally want to do some DIY'ing this weekend. I'm also trying to get rid of a bunch of clothes, as I am moving at the end of the summer and need to weed out stuff I no longer wear. I will have to check out your 'shop my closet' site and see if that could be a possible option for me. I think half of my pile will end up at goodwill though lol.
    Have a great weekend!
    xx Abby

  5. Thanks for starting our day with these inspiring quotes.

    If you get a sec, please check out my latest post 'A Hint of Coral'. Thanks in advance.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Oooh that 4th quote hit pretty close to home. I live by that quote everytime I am at my lowest point in life. And that quote is definitely true, when you are at your lowest, you've got no where else to go but up. =) Have a happy Friday!

  7. Ooh congrats on starting a "Shop My Closet" - it's a great excuse to sell things you just don't wear so that you can shop for new pieces!
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.

  8. Oh man I love these. Sometimes reading a bunch of quotes is the best piece of inspiration... especially on a Friday afternoon after a very long week :)

  9. You really do find great quotes and the first two are my favourites this week. Have a great weekend. It's good sometimes to have no plans!

  10. Cute blog!!

  11. Cute quotes girl! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

  12. Lovely lovely quotes, great thing to read at the end of this stressful week

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  13. I need to add a similar blog button too, I have FAAR too many clothes and it's getting to point where it's depressing me, ha!

    Lovely quotes there. Some quotes can be so cliche, but you've put some fab ones up!



  14. So many great quotes. I especially love the first one :)

    xo, alison*elle

  15. Love this inspiration! Have a great day dear :)

    Pearls & Paws

  16. Crazy that one is on the Christian Science Center in Boston
