Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Inspiration: Quotes I Love

It's my favorite day of the week again! Tonight I'm getting a mani/pedi and relaxing at home afterwards and tomorrow night I'll be attending Wine Riot with a bunch of my girlfriends... it should be really fun! What are you up to this weekend? Whatever you're doing, I hope you enjoy the first weekend of April. :)


  1. Ahh so true! We should never compete with others (though being INSPIRED by others is a definitely must!)
    Have a great weekend Amy xo

  2. The first quote, I love it. Thanks for the reminder. Have a wonderful weekend!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  3. Love these quotes especially the one about thinking without acting... that's definitely me!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quote "You don't need a reason to help people" so true and I wish everyone knew this!

  5. These are so great. Especially the one about helping people. Sometimes something so simple can be all a person needs.


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