Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Inspiration: Quotes I Love

Happy Friday!! Before I share my favorite quotes from this week, I wanted to highlight a really unique and inspiring documentary project called "Strength and Beauty" by Chelsea Wayant. Here's some info about the documentary in Chelsea's own words: "With this documentary I want to give working ballerinas an opportunity to give voice to an icon that is in danger of disappearing from our society. It has been argued that ballet is dying and, thus, so is the ballerina. To accomplish a well-rounded portrayal I felt it was important to profile three dancers: one at the beginning of her career, one at her prime, and one preparing to transition."

As you will hear in the snippet below, Chelsea started a Kickstarter page to help raise money to hire a sound professional to polish her film before she enters it into film festivals. Since I spent 19 years of my life as a dancer, this project is very near and dear to me, so I hope you will consider donating to help her reach her goal!

Now, on to the quotes...

all images not linked were found on Pinterest with no direct source. 
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  1. The Emerson quote is one of faves!

  2. I love the last one! (:

  3. Love love love Oscar Wilde. So insightful!

    As always, great work Amy!
