Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year, everybody! I hope you all rang in 2012 with family or close friends and had a great night. :)

The highlight of my New Year's weekend was skating at Fenway Park! This was a once in a lifetime experience (how many people can say they skated in one of America's oldest baseball parks?) and I loved every minute of it.

(click to enlarge)

Unfortunately some of the photos came out a little blurry because of all the lights in the park, but I tried to capture the magic to show my family and friends!!

Although there was no snow and the weather was quite warm for January, it felt very Christmasy and cheerful. Everyone was excited to be there and having a great time. 

Christian and I are both former hockey players, so we love going skating. He was so excited because he's a HUGE Red Sox fan (and season ticket holder) so this was a dream come true for him. 

We skated around together for an hour and were able to get one picture together at the end of our skating session.

(click to enlarge)

Here's to a great 2012!! :)

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